NY-NJ Chapter LogoNewsletter
Winter 2002

In This Issue

From the Editors

Kudos for Chapter Members

Web Watch

Brave New World

In the Literature

Technology Review

Hospital Library Notes

RML Update

In Memory of Winifred Lieber

HLSP Update

"To The Editors"

Special Feature
by Luda Dolinsky

Online Newsletter Index

The Newsletter is published for the members of the New York-New Jersey Chapter of the Medical Library Association.

Editor of this issue:

William Self, Medical Library Center of New York, 7 East 102nd St., 7th Floor, New York, NY 10029, S-1, Phone: 212-427-1630, Fax: 212-860-3496, E-mail: wself@mlcny.org.

Site maintained by Webmaster: Robert Dempsey
Posted 3/15/2002
©2002 NY-NJ Chapter of the Medical Library Association
A column featuring and honoring our colleagues in the NY/NJ Chapter of MLA!

Compiled by Dorice Vieira, Chair,
Professional Recognition Committee

Ehrman Medical Library
New York University Medical School

New York Medical College
Medical Sciences Library, Valhalla, NY

October 2001, Janet Ohles joined the staff of Western Connecticut State University, Danbury, Connecticut as associate director. The staff and faculty of New York Medical College Medical Sciences Library wish her well and miss her already!

October 1, 2001 Cheryl Silver was promoted to Assistant Director. Her "angel's wings" now encircle cataloging, serials, and acquisitions. In addition, she most recently received notice of her membership at the Senior Level in the Medical Library Association's Academy of Health Information Professionals (AHIP).

Diana Cunningham, MLS, MPH, also received AHIP membership at the Distinguished Level.

University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
George F. Smith Library of Health Sciences

The University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ) is proud to announce three recent appointments. Roberta Bronson Fitzpatrick joined the Smith Library of the Health Sciences as Associate Director, effective September 2001. Most recently, Roberta had been Associate Director for Public Services at New York University's Ehrman Medical Library.

Peggy Dreker was appointed as Information & Education Librarian at the Smith Library, effective October 2001. Peggy comes to UMDNJ from East Orange General Hospital, where she was Director of the Medical Library.

Nicole A. Cooke also joined the Smith Library as Information and Education Librarian in October 2001. Nicole was a Research Specialist at Factiva, a subsidiary of Dow Jones and Reuters.

Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Samuel J. Wood Library

Robert M. Braude, Ph.D., AHIP, Retires

After a long and distinguished career that spans more than thirty-seven years, Robert M. (Bob) Braude has retired as librarian and assistant dean at the Wood Library. His achievements, coupled with quick wit and humor, set him apart as a leader in the profession. His career began at the University of California-Los Angeles Biomedical Library for the Health Sciences where he served as reference librarian and head of the MEDLARS Search Station. He went on to serve as associate director and director of the Denison Memorial Library in Denver, and director of the McGoogan Library of Medicine at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha. Bob has maintained a high level of energy, commitment, and sustained achievement throughout his career, while lending his skills and expertise to the National Library of Medicine and library organizations, including the Medical Library Association (MLA), in support of their strategic planning initiatives. He served as member and secretary of the MLA Board of Directors from 1972 to 1975, was invited by MLA to present the 1996 Janet Doe Lecture to give his unique perspective on medical librarianship, and received the MLA Ida and George Eliot Prize in 1997 for a publication on medical informatics. He is a fellow of American College of Medical Informatics, the Medical Library Association, and the New York Academy of Medicine; and this year he was awarded the NY/NJ Chapter Lifetime Achievement Award.

MaryJo Dorsey, Information Services Librarian, has a noteworthy opinion piece on page 36 of the November issue of American libraries entitled, "Message from a New Yorker," calling for "responsible leadership and direction and expression of reasonable expectations for life, be it in our libraries, our government offices, or our children's play boxes - it [the disaster] impresses upon us all, no matter how large or how small. It will manifest within us and create our reactions to life."

Kris Alpi shares with us an impressive list of publications and a presentation:

  • Rambo, N., Zenan, Joan S., Alpi, Kristine M., Burroughs, C.M., Cahn, Marjorie A., & Rankin, Jocelyn. Public Health Outreach Forum: Lessons Learned. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, 2001, 89(4): 403-406
  • Zenan, Joan S., Rambo, N., Burroughs, C.M., Alpi, Kristine M., Cahn, Marjorie A., & Rankin, Jocelyn. Public Health Outreach Forum: Report. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, 2001, 89(4): 400-403
  • Alpi, Kristine M., Fisher, Jane, & Gallagher, Patricia. New York Online Access to Health (NOAH): New York libraries partner to provide quality consumer health information in English and Spanish. In Bridging Cultures: Ethnic Services in the libraries of New York State (Eds. Irina Kuharets, Brigid Cahalan, Fred Gitner): pg 170-5. Albany: New York Library Association, 2001
  • "Local goes global on the Internet: New York Online Access to Health (NOAH)," presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting on October 22. Abstract and handout available on the web at http://apha.confex.com/apha/129am/techprogram/paper_27018.htm.

NYU School of Medicine/Hospital for Joint Diseases
Herman Robbins Medical Library

Congratulations to Robert and Jane Joven on the birth of their beautiful baby girl, Sarah Elizabeth Joven, on December 15, 2001.

Please include the full name, institution, and reason for recognition and submit to:

Dorice Vieira
Professional Recognition Committee
Ehrman Medical Library
New York University Medical School
550 First Avenue
New York, NY 10016
Fax- 212-263-8196
E-mail: vieira@library.med.nyu.edu