Election Results: 2020-21
Here are the results of the Chapter’s recent election, announced at the annual meeting on October 16th: http://www.nynjmla.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Election-Results-2020-Slides.pdf
Here are the results of the Chapter’s recent election, announced at the annual meeting on October 16th: http://www.nynjmla.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Election-Results-2020-Slides.pdf
The Chapter Nominating Committee is delighted to announce this year’s candidates for Chapter offices. Chair-Elect Yingting Zhang, MLS, AHIP-D is the Research Services Librarian at the Robert Wood Johnson Library of the Health Sciences and an adjunct assistant professor in the Dept of Medicine of RWJ Medical School at Rutgers University. As a member of […]
In preparation for our Annual Meeting being held on October 24, the results of our election were announced. Here are the new members elected to office for 2018-2019: http://www.nynjmla.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/NYNJElectionWinners2018.pdf Thanks to everyone who voted!