ABCs of DNA: Unraveling the Mystery of Genetics Information for Consumers

The Metropolitan New York Library Council (http://metro.org/) and the NY-NJ Chapter of the Medical Library Association (http://www.nynjmla.org/)
will be co-hosting a 4-hour CE class entitled ABCs of DNA at the METRO training center on February 6, 2013 from 12:30-4:30pm. This free course is applicable to hospital, public and academic librarians.

METRO is located at 57 East 11th Street #4 in New York City. For detailed directions, please see http://metro.org/directions/ or call (212) 228-2320.

About the instructor: NN/LM MAR (http://nnlm.gov/mar/) has subcontracted with Carrie Iwema, an information specialist in molecular biology at the University of Pittsburgh to teach this course in our region.  Carrie has a special interest and expertise in genomics, DNA and personalized medicine.  She will be offering a similar course at MLA 2013.

About the class:
Consumers need access to information and resources about genetic information in a manner that is understandable. Librarians working with the public need to be aware of the issues surrounding genetics and resources to assist patrons in locating and evaluating sometimes complex and confusing information. This class explores basic concepts such as genes and chromosomes and offers an overview of genetic disorders, genetic testing, genetic counseling, and the Human Genome Project. Ethical and legal issues associated with genetic disorders will be covered with regard to privacy, discrimination, and potential legislative impact on medicine and society. A variety of reliable health information resources will be demonstrated, including, but not limited to: Genetics Home Reference, ClinicalTrials.gov, CHID (Combined Health Information Database), NORD (National Organization for Rare Disorders), and MedlinePlus. This 4-hour hands-on class is intended for consumers, public librarians, and health sciences librarians who work with the public.

To register, please go to: http://metro.org/events/2013/2/ and click on the event.