Register for the 2019 Annual Meeting

** Registration for the Chapter Meeting closed on Oct. 28th **

Please register and pay by Monday, October 28th:

Registration Fee:
NY-NJ MLA Member or MLA Phil Member: $50 (Become a member or renew your membership)
Non-Member: $75
Student/Retiree: $35

Registering is a 2-step process. You must complete both steps for your registration to go through!

1) Register (print out your completed form to mail if you will pay by check)
2) Payment:
Pay by credit card using the PayPal button below or

Mail a check (with a copy of your registration form) made payable to the NY-NJ Chapter/MLA to:
Yingting Zhang
Robert Wood Johnson Library of the Health Sciences
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
1 RWJ Place, PO Box 19
New Brunswick, NJ 08903

Credit card users will be charged an additional fee to offset our PayPal transaction cost.