Who? | What? | When? | Where? | Cost? | How to Register?
Who: -- Instructor: Joanne B. Jahr,
What: Introducing the New Web
The purpose of this 3 hour hands -on class is to provide step-by step
orientation in the use of the major functions and features of the new
Docline system. More information on the new
At the end of this class participants will have reviewed the following
features on the Web Docline:
When: Wednesday, August 9, 2000
Where: METRO
Cost: There is one fee for this class, which is
$20.00. Non-members are encouraged to join the
Chapter in order to save on future CE offerings.
Registration deadline:
Registration Form:
Introducing New Web Docline
Name: _____________________________
Please make check payable to:
Mail registration and check to:
More on new DOCLINE
CE Committee:
Continuing Education Opportunity
The New York-New Jersey Chapter
Introducing The New Web Docline
New classes (Co-Sponsored by METRO) added for August 9!
Network Programs Coordinator
National Network of Libraries of Medicine
Middle Atlantic Region (NN/LM MAR)
This course is for all library staff involved with Docline functions. It
is also for QuickDoc users, as entries will now be made using the Web
Docline interface.
*Enter a borrow request
*Borrowing-using PubMed and LocatorPlus to create requests
*Review receiving and lending (filling and rejecting requests)
*Check the status of lending and borrowing requests, including canceling
borrowing requests, and adding new records
*View request history
*Find and view serial holdings
*Update serial records and add new records
*Review major features
There will be two 3-hour sessions (morning & afternoon)
9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. or 2:00-5:00 p.m.
57 East 11th Street, 4th Fl.
New York, NY 10003
Directions at: http://metro.org/aboutMetro/travel_dirs.html
Each class limit is 20 (one per laptop computer)
Class will be held at METRO and Tim Johnson will handling registration.
9:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. [ ]
2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. [ ]
Address: __________________________
Telephone: _________________________
Email: _____________________________
Send Registration (either print from web or listserv) to:
Tim Johnson
Hospital Library Services Program
57 East 11th Street, 4th Fl.
New York, NY 10003-4605
Ph: (212) 228-2320 x15
Fax: (212) 228-2598
Having been mandated to retire its legacy mainframe system, NLM used it as
an opportunity to design an entirely new interface for routing requests.
The new DOCLINE web site combines REQUESTS
(borrowing and lending) with DOCUSER's directory and routing table
profiles and SERHOLD's heath-related serial holdings. It also provides
access to participants' quarterly statistics and Loansome Doc
administrative functions as well as links to PubMed and LocatorPlus,
making the new DOCLINE a one-stop resource for health-related interlibrary
loan needs.
Kathel Dunn, Chair
Larry Dormer
Betty Frank
Michael Huang
Rita Neri
Julie Quain
Tanya Shkolnikov
Cathy Weglarz
Site maintained by Networking Committee - Web Group
Last updated 7/20/2000
©2000 NY-NJ Chapter of the Medical Library